Pro tips for Visual Studio Code to be productive in 2018

Over the last few years Visual Studio Code has grow very popular over the open-source IDE market. VS Code was publicly released in 2015 and now used by 35% of all developers according to 2018 Stack Overflow survey. In this article I am going to share few tips and tricks of VS Code that would help you to be productive.

Git and Gitlens

Git is the most popular software used by developers. Managing Git from your IDE is much more easier than the command line. The Git panel allows you to stage, commit, stash, and undo changes. GitLens extension for VS Code offers you much more. The most useful feature of GitLens is that it shows you who committed what and when on every line of code in the project.

VS Code Live Share is a brand new feature that is still just in developer preview. It allows you to share your workspace in realtime, live editing, pin to user to follow their cursor, group debugging and many more. It’s really helpful if you work remotly or when you need to collaborate with someone who isn’t around.


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